Today I'd like to recommend you a book which is about to be released by Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. It's titled 'Wieczna krucjata. Szkice o Don Kichocie' (ed. W. Charchalis & A. Żychliński) and it's a collection of essays which includes some very interesting studies on Cervantes and his legacy, studied and presented from different humanistic perspectives. It's an interesting monograph not only for the researchers interested in Cervantes, but for every hispanist and bibliophile as well. The opening article is about the reception of Don Quixote in Poland during the 18th and the 19th century and it's a result of 30 years of study of its author, a considered specialist of Cervantes's works. There's also a great study on the importance of Don Quixote in Russian intellectual debates from the mid-19th century until the 1930. (By the way, the interest in Cervantes' work was surprisingly high in Russia - the bibliography about his text has more than 1000 pages!) There are also sketches about the Unamuno's and Bolaño's reflections on Don Quixote, which are also highly recommendable, and there's an article about the possible influence of Cervantes on the future creator of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, which is actually my first publication :)
Well, you've got me... Yes, I'm just advertising. But trust me, it's a great monograph, even though there is an essay of mine. And I'd love to learn you opinion about it!
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