Sunday, December 6, 2015

I don't know if you missed my commentaries or you didn't even notice that I wasn't here for such a long time. I won't try to justify it, despite of the fact that the truth is that once again I realized that I don't live in accordance with Mars's solar day. And it... is not very nice ;)

Tonight I'd like to share with you some thoughts about one of the most particular European cities: Berlin. Now I'm in Polski Bus, going back to Poland and trying to stop thinking about my poor violin that has been forced to travel in the hod of baggage instead of sleeping on my tired arms, and I'm thinking about some features that makes Berlin so special.

When you look around the streets, you realize that it's impossible to be 'different' there. You can see people from all around the world, people of all religions, all nations, all political beliefs, all appearances... The best thing about it is that nobody feels strange there. Strange as a stranger and strange as a different one. What I'm trying to say is that there are so many foreigners (strangers, xenos) that you don't feel like you don't fit there because of your mother tongue and origin. At the same time, you don't feel strange because of your clothes, your haircut or who you're going out with. There will be always someone like you or someone far less ordinary than you.

Is it only because of the fact that Berlin is one of the biggest 'multiculti' society? Is it impossible for more homogeneous communities to be more like this? I don't know it yet. I only know that Berlin is a unique place on the European map. And that I wish that some part of Polish people wouldn't feel so uncomfortable being themselves in their own country. That they wouldn't feel strange there where they're not strangers.

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